Dióxido de Carbono na secreção do peptídeo relacionado com Gene de Calcitonina e Substância P em pele de ratos
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Introdução: Estudos sugerem que o CO2 promova estimulo dos efeitos fisiologicos como, vasodilatacao, formacao de colageno e fibras elasticas. A Inflamacao Neurogenica (IN) e um dos primeiros eventos da cicatrizacao em resposta a um estimulo nociceptivo na pele, onde ha liberacao de neuropeptideos (NPÆs) pro-inflamatorios secretados por terminacoes nervosas, sendo lancados na fase inflamatoria da cicatrizacao. Entretanto nao ha estudos que relacionem a injecao de CO2 com a IN. Objetivo: investigar a injecao de Dioxido de Carbono (CO2) na secrecao dos neuropeptideos Peptideo Relacionado ao Gene da Calcitonina (CGRP) e Substancia P (SP) em pele de ratos. Metodos: foram utilizados 56 ratos Wistar-EPM distribuidos em dois grupos, um para analise de CGRP e outro de SP. Cada grupo foi subdividido em 4 subgrupos: controle, controle agulha, injecao de CO2 e injecao de ar atmosferico, contendo 7 animais respectivamente em cada subgrupo. As analises das amostras de pele parcial foram feitas por Western Blotting (WB). Resultados: No grupo SP houve uma diminuicao na quantidade de neuropeptideos no subgrupo 3 SP-CO2 e no subgrupo 4 SP -ar; no grupo CGRP, houve uma diminuicao da quantidade de neuropeptideos pro-CGRP (15 kDa) no subgrupo 3 CGRP-CO2 e no subgrupo 4 CGRP- ar; nao houve diminuicao da quantidade de CGRP (5 kDa).Conclusao: A injecao de CO2 e de ar atmosferico em pele de ratos diminuiu a quantidade de neuropeptideos SP e pro-CGRP (15 kDa)
Introduction: The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) infusion is a non surgical technique where the carbon gas is inject in the subcutaneous tissue. On the literature there are studies that suggest that the gas promotes stimulus of the physiological effects, such as circulation improvement, tissue oxygenation, collagen and new elastic fibers formation. Effects that possibly occur after the needle perforation, generating an inflammatory response, aiming to destroy, dilute or block the aggressor agent once the Neurogenic Inflammation (NI) is one of the first cicatrization events that happen. In response to a skin nonciceptive stimulus, there is the release of proinflammatory cutaneous neuropeptides (NP’s), substances that are produced by the brain cells from dorsal root ganglia and secreted by the skin nervous terminations, and are launched on the inflammatory phase of the cicatrization. Objective: to investigate the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) injection on the neuropeptides secretion of the Peptide related to the Calcitone (CGRP) and the P Substance (CSP) in rats skin. Method: there were used 56 Wistar-EPM rats divided into two groups, one for CGRP analysis and the other for SP. Each group was subdivided in 4 sub groups: control, needle control CO2 injection and air injection, each group with 7 rats. The partial skin sample analysis was done by Western Blotting (WB). Results: regarding the presence of the neuropeptides on the rats skin, on the SP group there was a decrease on the amount of the neuropeptides on the subgroup 3 and on the subgroup 4, Air injection; on the CGRP subgroup, there was a decrease on the amount of neuropeptides pro-CGRP, CO2 injection and also on the subgroup 4, Air injection; on the CGRP group, there was a decrease on the amount of neuropeptides there was proCGRP (15kDa) on the subgroup 4, injection of CO2. On the subgroup 4 there wasn’t any decrease on the amount of the effective GCRP (5 kDa). Conclusion: The CO2 and the Air injection in rats skin produces a decrease on the amount of SP neuropeptides and pro-CGRP (15 kDa).
Introduction: The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) infusion is a non surgical technique where the carbon gas is inject in the subcutaneous tissue. On the literature there are studies that suggest that the gas promotes stimulus of the physiological effects, such as circulation improvement, tissue oxygenation, collagen and new elastic fibers formation. Effects that possibly occur after the needle perforation, generating an inflammatory response, aiming to destroy, dilute or block the aggressor agent once the Neurogenic Inflammation (NI) is one of the first cicatrization events that happen. In response to a skin nonciceptive stimulus, there is the release of proinflammatory cutaneous neuropeptides (NP’s), substances that are produced by the brain cells from dorsal root ganglia and secreted by the skin nervous terminations, and are launched on the inflammatory phase of the cicatrization. Objective: to investigate the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) injection on the neuropeptides secretion of the Peptide related to the Calcitone (CGRP) and the P Substance (CSP) in rats skin. Method: there were used 56 Wistar-EPM rats divided into two groups, one for CGRP analysis and the other for SP. Each group was subdivided in 4 sub groups: control, needle control CO2 injection and air injection, each group with 7 rats. The partial skin sample analysis was done by Western Blotting (WB). Results: regarding the presence of the neuropeptides on the rats skin, on the SP group there was a decrease on the amount of the neuropeptides on the subgroup 3 and on the subgroup 4, Air injection; on the CGRP subgroup, there was a decrease on the amount of neuropeptides pro-CGRP, CO2 injection and also on the subgroup 4, Air injection; on the CGRP group, there was a decrease on the amount of neuropeptides there was proCGRP (15kDa) on the subgroup 4, injection of CO2. On the subgroup 4 there wasn’t any decrease on the amount of the effective GCRP (5 kDa). Conclusion: The CO2 and the Air injection in rats skin produces a decrease on the amount of SP neuropeptides and pro-CGRP (15 kDa).
SILVA, Erica Calcagno Raymundo da. Dióxido de Carbono na secreção do peptídeo relacionado com Gene de Calcitonina e Substância P em pele de ratos. 2013. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cirurgia Translacional) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2013.