Biologia de osteoclastos: estudo in vivo dos aspectos estruturais de osteoclastos sob a ação do estrógeno e estudo in vitro da osteoclastogênese a partir de precursores de sítios ósseos distintos
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Introdução: O osso é um tecido mineralizado que está sob a influência de diversos fatores sistêmicos, locais e ambientais. Entre os fatores sistêmicos, o estrógeno é um hormônio bem conhecido por exercer uma função inibitória sobre a reabsorção óssea. Devido ao fato de o osso alveolar de ratas jovens sofrer contínua e intensa remodelação para acomodar os dentes em formação e erupção, ele constitui um adequado modelo in vivo para estudar a possível ação do estrógeno sobre os osteoclastos. Objetivo: Na tentativa de investigar a possibilidade do estrógeno induzir a morte de osteoclastos, foi examinado o osso alveolar de ratas jovens tratadas com estrógeno. Métodos: Quinze ratas de 22 dias foram divididas em grupos: Estrógeno (GE), Sham (GS) e Controle (GC). Os animais do GE receberam, durante 7 dias, injeção intramuscular diária de 0,125mg/100g de estrógeno (Benzoginoestril-ap ® ) diluído em óleo de milho. Os animais do GS receberam o óleo utilizado como veículo de diluição. Após 8 dias, fragmentos contendo osso alveolar foram removidos e processados para microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os cortes foram corados em hematoxilina/eosina (HE), e o método do TRAP (fosfatase ácida resistente ao tartarato) foi utilizado como marcador de osteoclastos. Foi realizada a análise quantitativa do número de osteoclastos TRAP-positivos/mm de superfície óssea. Para detecção de apoptose, cortes foram submetidos ao método do TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling). Os métodos TUNEL/TRAP combinados foram também utilizados. Resultados: O número de osteoclastos TRAP-positivos/mm de superfície óssea foi significantemente reduzido no GE comparado ao GC e ao GS. No GE, foram observados osteoclastos TRAP-positivos exibindo núcleos TUNEL-positivos. Além disso, imagens ultraestruturais revelaram osteoclastos encolhidos exibindo núcleos com massas conspícuas e tortuosas de cromatina condensada, típicos de apoptose. Conclusões: Os resultados reforçam a idéia de que o estrógeno inibe a reabsorção óssea promovendo a redução do número de osteoclastos, indicando, portanto, que essa redução pode ser, pelo menos em parte, uma consequência da apoptose de osteoclastos.
Introduction: Bone is a mineralized tissue that is under the influence of several systemic, local and environmental factors. Among systemic factors, estrogen is a hormone well known for its inhibitory function on bone resorption. As alveolar bone of young rats undergoes continuous and intense remodeling to accommodate the growing and erupting tooth, it is a suitable in vivo model for using to study the possible action of estrogen on bone. Purpose: In an attempt to investigate the possibility that estrogen may induce the death of osteoclasts, we examined the alveolar bone of estrogen-treated rats. Methods: Fifteen, 22-d-old female rats were divided into estrogen, sham and control groups. The estrogen group received estrogen and the sham group received corn oil used as the dilution vehicle. After 8 d, fragments containing alveolar bone were removed and processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)–an osteoclast marker. Quantitative analysis of the number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was carried out. For detecting apoptosis, sections were analyzed by the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) method; TUNEL/TRAP combined methods were also used. Results: The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was significantly reduced in the estrogen group compared with the sham and control groups. TRAP-positive osteoclasts exhibiting TUNEL-positive nuclei were observed only in the estrogen group. In addition, in the estrogen group the ultrastructural images revealed shrunken osteoclasts exhibiting nuclei with conspicuous and tortuous masses of condensed chromatin, typical of apoptosis. Conclusions: Our results reinforce the idea that estrogen inhibits bone resorption by promoting a reduction in the number of osteoclasts, thus indicating that this reduction may be, at least in part, a consequence of osteoclast apoptosis
Introduction: Bone is a mineralized tissue that is under the influence of several systemic, local and environmental factors. Among systemic factors, estrogen is a hormone well known for its inhibitory function on bone resorption. As alveolar bone of young rats undergoes continuous and intense remodeling to accommodate the growing and erupting tooth, it is a suitable in vivo model for using to study the possible action of estrogen on bone. Purpose: In an attempt to investigate the possibility that estrogen may induce the death of osteoclasts, we examined the alveolar bone of estrogen-treated rats. Methods: Fifteen, 22-d-old female rats were divided into estrogen, sham and control groups. The estrogen group received estrogen and the sham group received corn oil used as the dilution vehicle. After 8 d, fragments containing alveolar bone were removed and processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)–an osteoclast marker. Quantitative analysis of the number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was carried out. For detecting apoptosis, sections were analyzed by the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) method; TUNEL/TRAP combined methods were also used. Results: The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was significantly reduced in the estrogen group compared with the sham and control groups. TRAP-positive osteoclasts exhibiting TUNEL-positive nuclei were observed only in the estrogen group. In addition, in the estrogen group the ultrastructural images revealed shrunken osteoclasts exhibiting nuclei with conspicuous and tortuous masses of condensed chromatin, typical of apoptosis. Conclusions: Our results reinforce the idea that estrogen inhibits bone resorption by promoting a reduction in the number of osteoclasts, thus indicating that this reduction may be, at least in part, a consequence of osteoclast apoptosis
FALONI, Ana Paula de Souza. Biologia de osteoclastos: estudo in vivo dos aspectos estruturais de osteoclastos sob a ação do estrógeno e estudo in vitro da osteoclastogênese a partir de precursores de sítios ósseos distintos. 2010. Tese (Doutorado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2010.