Lidocaina, bupivacaina e ropivacaina sobre a quantidade do peptídeo relacionado com gene de calcitonina e substância P na pele incisada de ratos
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A inflamacao neurogenica (IN) e um dos primeiros eventos da cicatrizacao. Diante de um estimulo nociceptivo na pele, ocorre a liberacao de neuropeptideos (NP´s) cutaneos pro-inflamatorios, que sao substancias produzidas pelos neuronios dos ganglios da raiz dorsal e secretadas de terminacoes nervosas na pele, deflagrando a fase inflamatoria da cicatrizacao. Os anestesicos locais (AL´s) tem amplo uso devido a sua efetividade e seguranca, mas ha evidencias de que eles poderiam bloquear o inicio da inflamacao neurogenica ao inibir a secrecao de NP´s, potencialmente retardando as fases iniciais da cicatrizacao. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito dos AL´s lidocaina, bupivacaina e ropivacaina na secrecao de NP´s CGRP (Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide) e SP (Substance P) na pele incisada de ratos. METODOS: Foram utilizados 28 ratos Wistar distribuidos igualmente em quatro grupos (n=7): grupo controle (C) com solucao salina 0,9%, grupo (L) (lidocaina 2%), grupo (B) (bupivacaina 0,5%) e grupo (R) (ropivacaina 0,75%). Apos anestesia geral, o farmaco de cada grupo foi injetado ao longo de uma linha reta com dois centimetros no tecido subcutaneo da linha mediana do dorso de cada rato e, apos 30 minutos, foi realizada uma incisao (estimulo nociceptivo) da extensao desse segmento. A seguir, cada rato foi submetido a morte induzida indolor e uma amostra de pele de cada rato, com area e volume padronizados, foi retirada do centro da reta incisada com ajuda de dermatomo eletrico e punch cutaneo de oito milimetros. Essa amostra foi enviada para quantificacao de CGRP e SP por Western blotting e os resultados foram submetidos a analise estatistica. RESULTADOS: em relacao a presenca de NP´s na pele de ratos, no grupo L e no grupo R houve reducao da quantidade de SP nas amostras, sem diferenca entre si; no grupo B nao houve reducao da quantidade de SP; em todos os grupos houve diminuicao da quantidade de pro-CGRP, sem diferenca entre si; e em nenhum grupo houve diminuicao da quantidade de CGRP. CONCLUSAO: a lidocaina e a ropivacaina diminuem os niveis de SP na pele incisada de ratos, enquanto a bupivacaina nao tem influencia sobre os NP´s estudados. Nenhum AL demonstrou influencia sobre a presenca de CGRP na pele incisada de ratos no tempo avaliado
Neurogenic inflammation (NI) is one of the earliest trigger in wound healing. After a nociceptive stimulus in the skin, occurs the release of skin pro-inflammatory neuropeptides (NP's), which are substances produced by the neurons of the dorsal root ganglia and secreted by nerve endings in the skin, triggering the inflammatory phase of wound healing. Local anesthetics (LA's) have widespread use due to its effectiveness and safety, but there is evidence that they could block the onset of neurogenic inflammation by inhibiting the secretion of NP's, potentially delaying the early stages of healing. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of LA's lidocaine (L), bupivacaine (B) and ropivacaine (R) in the secretion of SP and CGRP in incised rat skin. METHODS: We used 28 Wistar rats divided into 4 groups (n = 7), Group C (control saline 0.9%), L group (lidocaine 2%), group B (bupivacaine 0.5%) and group R (0.75% ropivacaine). After general anesthesia, the LA´s were injected in each group in a straight line in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal midline of each rat, and after 30 minutes, an incision was made (nociceptive stimulus) along that segment.Then, each rat was subjected to induced painless death, and a square of skin, with the incised line inside, was taken with the aid of an electric dermatome. Finally, a skin sample from the midpoint of the incised line was removed with a skin punch of 8mm, to achieve standardized area and volume. This sample was submitted to a quantification of CGRP and SP by Western Blotting and followed for statistical analysis. RESULTS: regarding NP's in the skin of rats, group L and group R showed a reduction of SP in the samples; group B showed no reduction in the amount of SP; all groups showed reduction in the amount of pro-CGRP, with no difference between them; and neither group showed a decrease in the amount of Abstract | 72 CGRP. CONCLUSION: The lidocaine and ropivacaine reduced secretion of SP by the nerve endings, the bupivacaine had no effect on secretion of SP; and no local anesthetic inhibited the secretion of CGRP in rat skin incision.
Neurogenic inflammation (NI) is one of the earliest trigger in wound healing. After a nociceptive stimulus in the skin, occurs the release of skin pro-inflammatory neuropeptides (NP's), which are substances produced by the neurons of the dorsal root ganglia and secreted by nerve endings in the skin, triggering the inflammatory phase of wound healing. Local anesthetics (LA's) have widespread use due to its effectiveness and safety, but there is evidence that they could block the onset of neurogenic inflammation by inhibiting the secretion of NP's, potentially delaying the early stages of healing. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of LA's lidocaine (L), bupivacaine (B) and ropivacaine (R) in the secretion of SP and CGRP in incised rat skin. METHODS: We used 28 Wistar rats divided into 4 groups (n = 7), Group C (control saline 0.9%), L group (lidocaine 2%), group B (bupivacaine 0.5%) and group R (0.75% ropivacaine). After general anesthesia, the LA´s were injected in each group in a straight line in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal midline of each rat, and after 30 minutes, an incision was made (nociceptive stimulus) along that segment.Then, each rat was subjected to induced painless death, and a square of skin, with the incised line inside, was taken with the aid of an electric dermatome. Finally, a skin sample from the midpoint of the incised line was removed with a skin punch of 8mm, to achieve standardized area and volume. This sample was submitted to a quantification of CGRP and SP by Western Blotting and followed for statistical analysis. RESULTS: regarding NP's in the skin of rats, group L and group R showed a reduction of SP in the samples; group B showed no reduction in the amount of SP; all groups showed reduction in the amount of pro-CGRP, with no difference between them; and neither group showed a decrease in the amount of Abstract | 72 CGRP. CONCLUSION: The lidocaine and ropivacaine reduced secretion of SP by the nerve endings, the bupivacaine had no effect on secretion of SP; and no local anesthetic inhibited the secretion of CGRP in rat skin incision.
LAPIN, Guilherme Abbud Franco Lidocaina, bupivacaina e ropivacaina sobre a quantidade do peptídeo relacionado com gene de calcitonina e substância P na pele incisada de ratos. 2013. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cirurgia Translacional) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2013.