Insuficiência renal crônica, restrição de sono e sildenafil: consequências renais, cardíacas e sexuais em um modelo animal
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A insufiCiência renal cronica (IRC) e uma doenca de elevada morbidade e mortalidade, que requer tratamento de alto custo e possui grande impacto na qualidade de vida. Ao longo de sua progressao, e frequente o aparecimento dos disturbios de sono, os quais tem sido associados a uma menor chance de sobrevida nessa populacao. Devido a exposicao a situacoes estressoras como a dialise, a permanencia constante em ambiente hospitalar e a alta prevalencia de disturbios de sono, a restricao de sono constitui outro fator inerente ao cotidiano do paciente com IRC. Sabe-se, porem, que o sono exerce funcoes essenciais na restauracao e manutencao da homeostasia corporal, sugerindo um possivel papel da falta de sono no avanco da IRC. Assim, um tratamento alternativo que pudesse prevenir ou tratar as possiveis complicacoes decorrentes da falta de sono, melhorando a evolucao da doenca seria um avanco de grande relevancia. Nesse sentido, ressalta-se o uso do sildenafil, o qual tem apresentado efeitos beneficos no sistema renal, cardiovascular e sexual. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o papel do sono e do sildenafil na progressao da IRC por meio de duas investigacoes: 1) Estudo do padrao de sono na evolucao da IRC; 2) Avaliacao dos efeitos do sildenafil e da restricao de sono na progressao da IRC. Em relacao ao primeiro estudo, os resultados revelaram que animais com IRC apos oito semanas apresentaram um sono fragmentado e com inversao do ciclo vigilia-sono, que compensou sua necessidade homeostatica. No entanto, com 12 semanas de IRC, observou-se reducao do tempo total de sono e do sono paradoxal, alem do elevado numero de despertares. Em geral, a perda da funcao renal e o aumento da pressao arterial sistolica foram considerados fatores preditores independentes da piora na qualidade do sono. Em relacao ao segundo estudo, observou-se que o tratamento com sildenafil foi capaz de reduzir a proteinuria e as alteracoes da morfologia renal, aumentando o clearance de creatinina e evitando o desenvolvimento da hipertensao, a perda excessiva de peso, o hipogonadismo, a disfuncao eretil, a dislipidemia e o aumento de citocinas pro-inflamatorias. Entretanto, frente a restricao de sono esses efeitos beneficos foram atenuados, com excecao da melhora no desempenho sexual. Houve tambem um aumento da sobrevida induzido pelo tratamento com sildenafil, o qual em 75% o risco de mortalidade. No coracao, a expressao genica de eNOS e ECA2 aumentaram seletivamente nos animais IRC nao-restritos de sono, explicando em parte a reducao da hipertensao nesse grupo. Porem, um aumento da expressao cardiaca de NOX2 associado a elevados niveis de aldosterona foi encontrado no grupo IRC tratado com sildenafil e restrito de sono, o qual tambem apresentou aumento significativo da frequencia cardiaca. No rim, observou-se aumento na expressao de NOX2 e reducao de NOX4 e DDAH1 nos animais IRC comparados aos controles, independente do tratamento e da restricao de sono. A expressao de eNOS, no entanto, foi maior no grupo IRC tratado com sildenafil e naorestrito de sono. No testiculo, a restricao de sono elevou a expressao de eNOS, explicando em parte a melhora no comportamento sexual. Alem disso, uma reducao na expressao genica de DDAH1 e ECA2 foi identificada apenas no grupo IRC tratado com veiculo em comparacao aos demais grupos. No corpo cavernoso, a expressao de NOX2 foi reduzida pelo tratamento com sildenafil nos animais IRC, independente da restricao de sono, enquanto o aumento na expressao de eNOS e ECA2 foi observado apenas no grupo IRC tratado com sildenafil e nao-restrito de sono. Apos a restricao de sono, um aumento da expressao de iNOS foi observado apenas no grupo IRC tratado com veiculo. Em conclusao, o presente estudo mostrou que tanto as alteracoes na arquitetura do sono como a reducao no tempo de sono estao relacionadas a um maior avanco da IRC de maneira bidirecional. Alem disso, o tratamento com sildenafil apresentou beneficios na IRC, principalmente quando nao associado a restricao de sono, pois retarda o avanco da doenca e evita o desenvolvimento da hipertensao e da disfuncao eretil por meio de alteracoes mediadas em parte pela reducao da expressao de NOX2 e aumento de NOS, DDAH1 e ECA2 em multiplos orgaos. Apesar disso, um possivel efeito cardiotoxico deve ser mais bem investigado. Em suma, este trabalho sugere que para um melhor tratamento e evolucao da IRC se faz necessaria uma boa qualidade e quantidade adequada de sono
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality, which requires costly treatment and has significant impact on quality of life. Along its progression, it is usual the development of sleep disorders, which have been recenlty linked to a lower chance of survival in this population. Due to the constant exposure to stressful situations such as dialysis, kidney transplantation and stay at hospital enviroment, sleep restriction is another factor inherent in the daily life of patients with CKD. It is known, however, that sleep is essential for the restoration and maintenance of body homeostasis, suggesting a possible role for lack of sleep to the aggravation of CKD. Accordingly, an alternative treatment that could prevent or treat possible complications arising from sleep debt and improve the disease outcomes would be a breakthrough of great importance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the role of sleep and sildenafil in the progression of CKD by two investigations: 1) The study of sleep pattern in the evolution of CKD; 2) Effects of sildenafil and sleep restriction in the progression of CKD. Regarding the first study, the results revealed that after eight weeks, animals with CKD showed a fragmented sleep in addition to a reversal pattern of sleep-wake cycle, which offset the sleep homeostatic need. After 12 weeks of CKD, however, there was a reduction in the total sleep time, mainly due to decrease of the paradoxal sleep, and an increase in the number of awakenings. The loss of renal function and increase in systolic blood pressure were considered independent predictors of the poor quality of sleep. Regarding the second study, it was observed that the treatment with sildenafil was able to reduce proteinuria and changes in renal morphology, increasing creatinine clearance and preventing the development of hypertension, excessive weight loss, hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction, dyslipidemia and the increase of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1α, TNF α, and IL-17. However, given the sleep restriction these effects were attenuated, with exception of the improvement in the sexual behavior. There was also an increase in survival rate induced by treatment with sildenafil, which decreased by 75% the risk of mortality. In the heart, the gene expression of eNOS and ACE2 increased selectively in CKD non-restricted animals, explaining in part the reduction of hypertension in this group. However, increased cardiac expression of NOX2 associated with high aldosterone levels were found in the CKD group treated with sildenafil and sleep restricted, which also showed a significant increase in heart rate. In the kidney, we observed increased expression of NOX2 and reduced NOX4 and DDAH1 in the CKD animals compared to controls, regardless of treatment and sleep restriction. However, the expression of eNOS was higher in the CKD group treated with sildenafil but non-sleep restricted compared to CKD animals treated with vehicle and non-sleep restricted as well as with CKD animals treated with sildenafil and sleep restricted. In the testis, sleep restriction increased the expression of eNOS, explaining in part the improvement of sexual performance. Furthermore, a reduction in the gene expression of ACE2 and DDAH1 were found only in the CKD animals treated with vehicle in relation to the other groups. In the corpus cavernosum, the NOX2 expression was reduced by treatment with sildenafil in the CKD animals, regardless of the sleep restriction. Also, increased expression of eNOS and ACE2 were observed only in the CKD treated with sildenafil and non-sleep restricted. After the sleep restriction, an increase of iNOS expression was observed in the CKD group treated with vehicle. In conclusion, this study showed that both the changes in sleep architecture and the reduction in sleep time are related to further advancement of CKD in a bidirectional manner. In addition, sildenafil has benefits in CKD, because it slows disease progression and prevents the development of hypertension and erectile dysfunction through changes mediated by the reduction of NOX2 and increase of NOS, ACE2 and DDAH1 gene expression in multiple organs. Nevertheless, a possible cardiotoxic effect must be further investigated. In general, this work suggests that for a better evolution of CKD it is important an adequate quality and quantity of sleep.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality, which requires costly treatment and has significant impact on quality of life. Along its progression, it is usual the development of sleep disorders, which have been recenlty linked to a lower chance of survival in this population. Due to the constant exposure to stressful situations such as dialysis, kidney transplantation and stay at hospital enviroment, sleep restriction is another factor inherent in the daily life of patients with CKD. It is known, however, that sleep is essential for the restoration and maintenance of body homeostasis, suggesting a possible role for lack of sleep to the aggravation of CKD. Accordingly, an alternative treatment that could prevent or treat possible complications arising from sleep debt and improve the disease outcomes would be a breakthrough of great importance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the role of sleep and sildenafil in the progression of CKD by two investigations: 1) The study of sleep pattern in the evolution of CKD; 2) Effects of sildenafil and sleep restriction in the progression of CKD. Regarding the first study, the results revealed that after eight weeks, animals with CKD showed a fragmented sleep in addition to a reversal pattern of sleep-wake cycle, which offset the sleep homeostatic need. After 12 weeks of CKD, however, there was a reduction in the total sleep time, mainly due to decrease of the paradoxal sleep, and an increase in the number of awakenings. The loss of renal function and increase in systolic blood pressure were considered independent predictors of the poor quality of sleep. Regarding the second study, it was observed that the treatment with sildenafil was able to reduce proteinuria and changes in renal morphology, increasing creatinine clearance and preventing the development of hypertension, excessive weight loss, hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction, dyslipidemia and the increase of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1α, TNF α, and IL-17. However, given the sleep restriction these effects were attenuated, with exception of the improvement in the sexual behavior. There was also an increase in survival rate induced by treatment with sildenafil, which decreased by 75% the risk of mortality. In the heart, the gene expression of eNOS and ACE2 increased selectively in CKD non-restricted animals, explaining in part the reduction of hypertension in this group. However, increased cardiac expression of NOX2 associated with high aldosterone levels were found in the CKD group treated with sildenafil and sleep restricted, which also showed a significant increase in heart rate. In the kidney, we observed increased expression of NOX2 and reduced NOX4 and DDAH1 in the CKD animals compared to controls, regardless of treatment and sleep restriction. However, the expression of eNOS was higher in the CKD group treated with sildenafil but non-sleep restricted compared to CKD animals treated with vehicle and non-sleep restricted as well as with CKD animals treated with sildenafil and sleep restricted. In the testis, sleep restriction increased the expression of eNOS, explaining in part the improvement of sexual performance. Furthermore, a reduction in the gene expression of ACE2 and DDAH1 were found only in the CKD animals treated with vehicle in relation to the other groups. In the corpus cavernosum, the NOX2 expression was reduced by treatment with sildenafil in the CKD animals, regardless of the sleep restriction. Also, increased expression of eNOS and ACE2 were observed only in the CKD treated with sildenafil and non-sleep restricted. After the sleep restriction, an increase of iNOS expression was observed in the CKD group treated with vehicle. In conclusion, this study showed that both the changes in sleep architecture and the reduction in sleep time are related to further advancement of CKD in a bidirectional manner. In addition, sildenafil has benefits in CKD, because it slows disease progression and prevents the development of hypertension and erectile dysfunction through changes mediated by the reduction of NOX2 and increase of NOS, ACE2 and DDAH1 gene expression in multiple organs. Nevertheless, a possible cardiotoxic effect must be further investigated. In general, this work suggests that for a better evolution of CKD it is important an adequate quality and quantity of sleep.
HIROTSU, Camila. Insuficiência renal crônica, restrição de sono e sildenafil: consequências renais, cardíacas e sexuais em um modelo animal. 2013. 232f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicobiologia) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013.